Believe Again 歌词 丝绒公路 ~


Believe Again




We've all been there before

we all made those mistakes

Fear of failure and lose yourself

you start to fawn the others

put on a mask like them

but is this the life you want?

Are you still running away?

or you can take it

It feels like being free again

with one true soul

no more hiding

Love will show you the way home

you don't have to change

just believe again

You can do better

don't care what the others say

Believe that you are the special one

Don't be afraid to lose

更多更详尽歌词 在 ※ 魔镜歌词网

and Don't miss the right time

When your love comes again

just live for yourself

and you can make it

It feels like being free again

with one true soul

no more hiding

Love will show you the way home

you don't have to change

just believe again

Don't be afraid to lose

Just live for yourself this time

It feels like being free again

with one true soul

no more hiding

Love will show you the way home

you don't have to change

just believe again

  • 舞曲信息
  • 舞曲名称Believe Again 歌词 丝绒公路 ~
  • 舞曲标签
  • 舞曲时长
  • 舞曲大小
  • 舞曲音质
  • 网友点赞3 次
  • 播放次数1698 次
  • 收藏次数5 次
  • 下载次数336 次
  • 下载金币0 个
  • 发布时间2020-28-10
  • 如页面长时间没有响应,请点击此处刷新